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Supine Board

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-06-05      Origin: Site


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The outdoor supine board is a kind of fitness equipment designed for abdominal training. People only need to lie flat on the webs, hook their legs on the front tube, attach their hands to the ear side, do sit-ups, and exercise the abdomen muscle. We provide single supine board, double supine board and combination supine board.



1. The correct method of exercise:

1) Sit-ups: it mainly exercises six packs of abdominal muscles, and quickly consumes abdominal fat.

2) Receiving exercise: it mainly exercises back-related muscle groups, which is also the main method to relieve lumbar muscle strain.

3) Supine leg lifts: it mainly to exercise abdominal and thigh muscles.


2. Assisted exercise methods:

Waist down, legs upright, arms and head sagging, hanging in the air, do not force your hands to touch the ground, try to relax the muscles,

Then naturally stretch the back and leg muscles for about one minute and repeat three more times.


3, The correct posture:

When sitting in a chair, be sure to sit over the entire chair. Thus, the entire back can be supported and the spine can be straightened.

If you only sit on a part of the chair for a long time, the back is easy to bend, and the lumbar muscle strain will slowly erode your back fascia.

Remember: The training target for abdominal muscles is muscle endurance instead of increasing muscle and strength. Finally, remember that muscle stretching after exercise.


Extensive use of outdoor fitness equipment is suitable for use by people of all ages, and public recreation areas such as parks and communities have different fitness equipment. For example, waist twister, walking machine, double sail board.

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Guangzhou Childhood Dream Recreation Equipment Co., Ltd

Brance Office:  1902, No.13, Zexi Avenue, Hanxi Commercial Center, Hanxi Village, Zhongcun Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 
Factory: Shuili industrial zone, Jianggao town, Baiyun, district, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
