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Climbing frames

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-09-13      Origin: Site


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Climbing frames, as the name implies, are capable of climbing, or can be climbed like a monkey, which consisting primarily of a group or series of gaming facilities. According to the early basic education system in England, the development of early childhood children was mainly divided into the development of coarse movements and fine movements. The development of gross movements includes: crawling, sitting, running, climbing, jumping, sliding and swimming. In addition to the development of other large movements other than swimming, the climbing frame can be satisfied.


The material of the climbing playground is made of fireproof materials such as iron and PVC. Not only is the climbing frame itself more sturdy, but it is also easier to prevent fire. The outer cylindrical shape will also prevent the children from being hurt and impacted. The design is specially made for the children's climbing action and is very safe.



Climbing frames on children's playgrounds come in a variety of shapes and sizes – including vertical climbing frames, vertical climbing bars, spiral climbing bars, and more. Compared with slides, swings and other amusement equipment, outdoor climbing frame is more difficult and is also a high-incidence area for public playground accidents.


For younger children, the strength of the arm is not strong enough. When you start playing with this kind of equipment, you need an adult to help him, and you can't climb the climbing frame. When teaching children to climb, first let him know how to safely come down from these climbing frames, otherwise it will be difficult for him to complete the entire climbing process. Teach your child to learn to hold the crossbar on the climbing structure with both hands and climb in steps. For each level of climbing, one hand first grabs the shelf of the higher level, and after grasping it, the other hand grabs the same level of the shelf, and then the foot climbs up again. When it comes down, the opposite is true. First, let's go down and grab your hand.

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Factory: Shuili industrial zone, Jianggao town, Baiyun, district, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
